Hastinapur Hears of Draupadi Svayamwar

Hastinapur Hears of Draupadi Svayamwar

Hastinapur Hears of Draupadi Svayamwar

Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is the author of the story "The fall of the first son" from the Unsung Valour and "Subhadra - The auspicious one" from Aryaa anthologies.
Arjuna hit the target and won Draupadi’s hand in marriage. The five Pandavas were married to her. All the kings across Bharatavarsha heard the news from their own messengers. Now the fact that the Pandavas were alive had come out into the open. Everyone began to criticize Dhritarashtra and Bheeshma for trying to kill the Pandavas who should have been protected.  

When the news of the swayamvar and the Pandavas being alive reached Hastinapur, a discussion began as to what should be done now. Shakuni was all for destroying the Pandavas before they made strong alliances. He felt that Drupada was not too powerful but if the Vrishnis (Krishna and Balarama leading them) arrived to help the Pandavas, then they would be impossible to kill.
But Bhurishravas, who was both elder and a trusted advisor, strongly advocated meeting the Pandavas in peace and returning to Hastinapur, leaving behind any ideas of doing harm to Pandu’s sons.

Meanwhile, Duryodhana and his brothers came back to Hastinapur disappointed. A happy Vidura announced to Dhritarashtra that Kurukul has enjoyed great good fortune, meaning that the Pandavas have won Draupadi’s hand. Dhritarashtra mistook that Duryodhana had been successful in the swayamvar and he happily started making arrangements to welcome the newly weds.  

Vidura corrected his misunderstanding and a very shocked and disappointed Dhritarasthtra quickly covered up his ill feelings and pretended to be happy to know the Pandavas were alive.
Later, Karna and Duryodhana come to him and discuss how to ensure the Pandavas can be stopped before they become more powerful. Duryodhana suggests bringing about misunderstandings between the brothers or bribing Drupada or turning Draupadi against her new husbands. But Karna does not agree. He points out how Duryodhana was unable to harm the Pandavas even when they were children without any support living in Hastinapur.
Dhristarashtra agrees with Karna but says that they will have to consult Vidura, Bhishma and Drona too. Bhishma firmly says that the Pandavas must get half of the kingdom that they have been cheated of. Drona and Vidura agree with him completely.

Karna protests and says that Bhishma and Drona never speak in favour of Dhritarashtra despite taking his wealth and living in luxury thanks to him but Dhritarashtra takes Vidura’s advice and asks him to go bring the Pandavas to Hastinapur. It is after this that Dhritarashtra gives the barren desert of Khandavaprastha to the Pandavas as their share.