Ramayana for Beginners - Introduction

Ramayana for Beginners - Introduction

Ramayana for Beginners - Introduction

By Deepak MR 

Deepak M R is a professional writer and trainer. He has a rich work experience of more than 25 years in varies fields that include training, education, and consulting. 

He is author of the novel Abhimanyu - the warrior prince (Bloomsbury, 2021). He is also once of the contributing authors in the anthologies Unsung Valour and Aryaa and has written Kindle eBook Mahabharata Tales: Justice for Draupadi and other stories.

In the series Mahabharata for Beginners, we have been summarizing the entire Mahabharata, parva by parva. Based on feedback from readers, we felt that a similar exercise should be done for the other great epic, the Ramayana.

Mahabharata is the book of dharma. It is the story of Krishna and how he helped relieve the burden of evil on earth with the help of the Pandavas. The Ramayana is the story of Maryada Purushottama Sri Ramachandra, the ideal man. Like Krishna, Rama was an incarnation of Vishnu. But while Krishna knew he was God, Rama did not and lived life like an ordinary man.

Ramayana is the story of a devoted son, a loving husband, and a man whom the world loved and respected. It is the story of a man who gave up the throne to honour his father’s words. It is the story of Rama and his love for Seetha, a love so powerful that he scoured the world in search of her.

To bring back his wife, Rama does the impossible task of crossing the ocean and defeating the evil Lord of Lanka Ravana. To achieve his goal, he has the help of his brother Lakshmana and the faithful Hanuman. While everyone knows the story of Rama, it is important to know the original story as written by Valmiki.

In this series, we summarize the Ramayana starting from the Bala Kanda. Each of the sargas of the Ramayana are presented, so that you can know the contents of the original Ramayana written by Valmiki. We hope that our attempt will help you understand the story of Rama and the greatness of the Ramayana.

Deepak M R
