Story of Barbarika (Khatu Shyam) as narrated in Shri Skanda Purana
Story of Barbarika (Khatu Shyam) as narrated in Shri Skanda Purana
Skanda Purana captures the story of Barbarika beyond the popular story of Shrikrishna cutting of his head and then blessing his head to be worshipped as Khatu Shyam. If you are interested in knowing the complete story of Barbarika as mentioned in Skanda Purana, keep reading. People who are not interested in knowing because he is not mentioned in Mahabharata, please feel free to skip this one.
Ghatotkacha and Mauri
After Arjuna's marriage to Subhadra Shrikrishna was visiting Indraprastha. Around the same time Ghatotkacha also arrived there to meet his father and uncles. Yudhishthira was very happy to see his nephew and brought up the subject of finding a suitable wife to Shrikrishna. Shrikrishna told them about Kamakatankata, the daughter of Mura, who wanted to kill Shrikrishna to avenge her father. When she attacked Shrikrishna Devi intervened and stopped the fight between the two and told Mauri that she will one day become the wife of Shrikrishna's nephew.
On Shrikrishna's advice Ghatotkacha went to Pragjyotisha to marry the daughter of Mura but there was a problem. In Pragjyotisha Ghatotkacha met a woman named Karnapravarana. She told him that many suitors have visited Mauri in the past but they have failed to impress her and lost their life in the process, however she agreed to help Ghatotkacha. Next day Karnapravarana took Ghatotkacha to Mauri, who told him to save his life and go away because she would marry the one who can defeat her. Ghatotkacha used his wit and strength to defeat Mauri and then they both got married with the blessings of Pandava and Hidimbi. Some time later they had a son. They named him Barbarika because of his hair like a Barbara.
Shrikrishna's Blessings
Ghatotkacha took Barbarika to Dwaraka to seek Shrikrishna's blessings. Shrikrishna told him to worship the various forms of Goddess Durga in a place called Guptakshetra. He also gave him the name Suhridaya because of his kind heart. Barbarika built his cottage in Guptakshetra and started worshipping goddess three times a day. One day pleased with his devoting Devi appeared in front of him and told him to stay there and wait for Vijaya.
Barbarika and Vijaya
One day a sage from Magadha visited there. His name was Vijaya. Vijaya wanted to perform a ritual to attain siddhi and needed help from Barbarika. Barbarika considered it the task assigned by Devi and agreed. During the course of the ritual a fierce demoness appeared, while Vijaya was afraid Barbarika was fearless and grabbed her throat before she could swing her dagger. Eventually she surrendered and told Barbarika that she was a demoness called Mahajihvha. She granted Barbarika immunity from fear of all living beings and left. At around midnight another giant demon with 100 heads and 100 stomachs named Repalendra appeared. Barbarika fought and killed the demon while Vijaya continued his ritual.
Some time later a giant she-mule named Duhadruha appeared. Barbarika tried to control her and then fought her with his bare hands, eventually killing her after a fierce duel. Later at night a naked mendicant appeared in front of him. He tried to convince Barbarika to stop the rituals. Barbarika sensing his disguise punched him in the face making him bleed. The mendicant turned into a Daitya and ran for his life and entered a cave. Barbarika encountered many Palasin daitya there who all were ready to kill him. He did what Ram Charan did in the opening scene of RRR and killed them all. After daitya Palasi was slain by Barbarika, many serpents appeared in front of him and praised him for getting rid of the demon who had been tormenting them. The serpents offered Barbarika a boon. Barbarika asked them to make sure Vijaya attained his siddhi.
Thus Barbarika helped Vijaya attain his siddhi. Pleased with this Vijaya offered him the sacred ash from the Homa, which was capable of killing his enemies and ensuring his victory. (this is the ash Barbarika used during his demonstration before the Pandava elders later)
Encounter with Bhimasena
During their exile Pandava arrived where Barbarika was residing spending his time worshiping devi. He did not know them since he had never met them since his birth. Pandava entered the temple build by Barbarika and worshipped devi there. Bhima entered the Kunda there to quench his thirst. This led to an argument with Barbarika who asked him step out. Bhima was incapable of controlling his hunger and thirst and refused to come out before drinking the water. This escalated into a fight between the two. Barbarika grabbed Bhima and lifted him trying to crush him in his arms but an Akashwani stopped him and told him that Bhima was his grandfather. Barbarika regretted his action and decided to punish himself. With the intent to die he jumped into the sea but the sea threw him out. At this point Devi appeared in front of him and told him that he would die at the hands of Shrikrishna and should wait till the right moment arrives.
Barbarika before Kurukshetra war
Just before the war was about the begin on the battlefield Pandava spies came back and narrated them about how warriors were talking about the time frame in which they can end the battle in the Kaurava camp. This triggered a similar discussion in the Pandava camp. The part where Arjuna spoke and talked about the possibility of finishing the battle in a single day is covered in the Mahabharata. Skanda Purana extends that conversation further.
After Arjuna was done speaking Barbarika, son of Ghatotkacha stood up saying that none of them need to pick up any weapons. He alone with the blessings of the goddess can finish the battle in one Muhurta. Shrikrishna asked him to explain how he was planning on accomplishing that. Barbarika picked up a bow and deployed a dart that was filled wish ash. When he fired that dart, it marked the vulnerable spots on all the warriors on both sides. Barbarika then said that thus identifying the vulnerable spots he will shoot his sharp arrows granted to him by the goddess which never fail and end the war with the need for anyone else to take up any weapons.
Everyone beginning with Yudhishthira started praising Barbarika. However before they could even finish praising Bhima's grandson, his head fell on the ground cut-off by Shrikrishna's chakra. Ghatotkach started crying looking at his son, while all other kings stood there full of shock and sadness. Pandava wanted to ask Keshava, why did he do that. At this point fourteen goddesses appeared in front of them and explained the reason behind Shrikrishna's action by narrating the backstory of Barbarika's past life.
Devi Chandika told everyone present that, when all the gods assembled at mount Meru to discuss unburdening the earth, a Gandharva named Suryavarcha cut-off Bhagwan Vishnu and said that there was no need for the Gods to do anything, instead he could do it all on his own. This insubordination angered Brahmadeva who cursed him that his body will be destroyed by Shrikrishna.
Gandharva Suryavarcha after being cursed by Brahmadeva asked Bhagwan Vishnu for a boon. Bhagwan Vishnu granted him the boon that - people will worship his head. Devi told everyone present that Shrikrishna's act of beheading Barbarika was just the fulfilment of Brahma's curse and nobody should find fault in Shrikrishna for the same.
After saying this Devi sprinkled Barbarika's head with nectar and made it immortal like the head of Rahu. The head of Barbarika requested to witness the war. Shrikrishna blessed him with the boon to be adored and worshipped by people and ability to take away the ailments of the children of his devotees.
After the war when Bhima boasted about killing the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra and cause so much destruction in the war, Arjuna told him that he should not talk like that because everything happened because of the blessings of Keshava. The eventually approached Barbarika who told them about seeing a divine being with four hands wearing Kaustubha gem in the battlefield causing all the destruction.
This is the original version of the story of Barbarika which is slightly different from the popular tales. There are no "three" magical arrows, instead many magical arrows. Also he does not speak about fighting for the weaker side in the war. He intended to fight and kill all the warriors who deserved to die as part of the unburdening of the earth. This ties with the story of his past life as Gandharva Suryavarcha.
बर्बरीक (यक्षराज सूर्यवर्च) की स्तुति:
जयजय चतुरशीतिकोटिपरिवार सूर्यवर्चाभिधान यक्षराज
जय भूभारहरणप्रवृत्त लघुशापप्राप्तनैर्ऋतियोनिसंभव
जय कामकटंकटाकुक्षिराजहंस
जय घटोत्कचानंदवर्धन बर्बरीकाभिधान
जय कृष्णोपदिष्टश्रीगुप्तक्षेत्रदे वीसमाराधनप्राप्तातुलवीर्य
जय विजयसिद्धिदायक
जय पिंगलारेपलेन्द्रदुहद्रुहानवकोटीश्वर पलाशनदावानल
जय भूपातालांतराले नागकन्यापरि हारक
जय भीममानमर्दन
जय सकलकौरवसेनावधमुहूर्तप्रवृत्त
जय श्रीकृष्णवरलब्धसर्ववरप्रदानसामर्थ्य
जयजय कलिकालवंदितनमोनमस्ते पा हिपाहीति॥
This is the most definitive story of Barbarika from its original source Shri Skanda Purana.