Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima

Recounting Notable Gurus

Today on the occasion of Guru Purnima, let's remember some of the greatest Gurus from ancient India. 

  1. Ved Vyas: Krishna Dwaipayan is the son of Satyavati and Parashara rishi. He is the grandfather of Kaurava and Pandava. Apart from giving us one of our beloved epics Mahabharata, he is also responsible for bringing the divine knowledge of Vedas to humans. It is for this last task he is considered the Guru for the entire humanity and that is the reason his birth anniversary is celebrated as Guru Purnima. Because of the task of compiling the Vedas he came to be popularly known as Ved Vyas.
  2. Maharshi Valmiki: Composer of another of our beloved epic Ramayana was a renowned guru during the treta yuga. He was the guru of Shiram and Sita Mata's sons Kusha and Lava. After composing the Ramayana he taught it to the sons of Shriram, who then narrated it in front of their father. 
  3. Guru Sandipani: When you are the divine, your Guru also has to be great. Sandipani was the guru of Shrikrishna and Balarama.  
  4. Guru Vashishtha: The head priest of Ikshwaku clan was the guru of almost all the great kings of the Suryavansha including Bhagwan Ram and his brothers.
  5. Brahmarshi Vishwamitra: Maharaja Kaushika became Brahmarshi Vishwamitra after performing penance for many years. He was a great guru with many notable shishyas. His most important disciples were Shriram and Lakshmana whom he taught the art of war including many divine weapons.
  6. Bhagwan Parashuram: He is the guru who taught the art of warfare and divine weapons to many notable warriors. Great warriors of Mahabharta Bhishma, Drona and Karna were the disciples of Bhagwan Parashuram.
  7. Dronacharya: The guru who taught dhanurveda to Kuru princes and other important warriors of Mahabharata. He was responsible for training the greatest archer of his times, Arjuna. He was also the guru of warriors like Ashwatthama, Dhrishtadyuma, Karna etc.
  8. Brihaspati: Son of Angira rishi is the guru of Adityas. An expert in the Niti Shastra, He is responsible for guiding the King of Gods Indra.  
  9. Shukracharya: Son of Bhrigu rishi is an expert in politics and is the Guru of Daityas and Asuras. He is also the master of mritasanjeevani vidya.
  10. Ayoddhaumya: We have heard the stories of Aruni and Upamanyu and their devotion towards their guru Ayoddhaumya. His and his disciples' story is a key part of the Shanti Parva of Mahabharata.  
  11. Balarama: Shrikrishna's elder brother was an accomplished mace fighter. He trained the two most notable mace fighters of Mahabharata Bhima and Duryodhana.
  12. Ashtavakra: He gained the knowledge of Vedas through his father while still inside his mother's womb. After winning the debate in Raja Janaka's court as a kid, he went on to teach Rajarshi Janaka on the subject of Brahman. His conversation with Raja Janaka is popularly known as Ashtavakra Gita.

There are many more such notable Gurus one must find out and learn more about them.