The story of Dambodhbhava

The story of Dambodhbhava

The story of Dambodhbhava

Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is the author of the story "The fall of the first son" from the Unsung Valour and "Subhadra - The auspicious one" from Aryaa anthologies.

The story of Dambodhbhava is often related in connection with Karna and many assume that the Mahabharatha mentions Karna as a reincarnation of this mighty king. Dambodhbhava does appear in the Mahabharatha and his story is told by Parashurama at Krishna’s peace mission but he is NOT reincarnated as Karna as per Vyasa Bharatha.

Parashurama and other wise men and rishis assemble at Kuru sabha to try and make Duryodhana drop the idea of war to avert the destruction of the Kuru clan. They tell him that Nara and Narayana have been born as Arjuna- Krishna and that no one can defeat them.

In this context, Parashurama recounts the Dambodhbhava story (Udyoga Parva, Bhagawat Yana Parva), telling the sabha how the mighty king and his enormous army was defeated by the youthful sanyasi Nara with mere blades of grass.

After telling them this story, Parashurama warns the Kuru sabha and particularly, Duryodhana. He says that Duryodhana should not challenge Arjuna who is Nara incarnated and instead he should go yield to him at once before deadly arrows are placed upon the Gandiva and aimed at the Kaurava army.  

Kanwa rishi, who is also in the assembly, also agrees with Parashurama and tells Duryodhana to give up his idea of war, which will end up destroying him.