Our Contributors - Bharathi
Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is the author of th...
Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is the author of th...
Deepak M R is a professional writer and author, who has previously worked in academia, training and consulting. An avid reader, he considers the...
By Bharathi Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is th...
We often come across this argument from various people that Ravana was a great scholar. Did he study vedic texts? Very much likely, considering his...
नमस्कार, मैं आपका सूत्रधार अनुज रणभूमि के तीसरे दिन के युद्ध के इस पॉडकास्ट में आपका स्वागत करता हूँ। पिछले दो दिनों के युद्ध में एक दिन कौरव पक्ष...
The war under the leadership of Drona After the fall of Bheeshma, the kings in the Kaurava camp approached Karna and asked him to save them from de...
By Bharathi Bharathi is a Chennai based writer and editor whose childhood passion for writing transformed into a career in this field. She is the ...
प्रिय श्रोताओं मैं आपका सूत्रधार अनुज महाभारत संग्राम के दूसरे दिन का युद्ध लेकर आपके समक्ष पुनः उपस्थित हूँ। पहले दिन के युद्ध में हमने पाण्डवों ...
The arrows of Arjuna came fast and furious. Bheeshma hurled lances at Arjuna, but he broke them all. Finally, severely injured by Arjuna’s arrows, ...
Book Review by @gauravt168 I recently finished reading Rama of the Axe, a retelling of the story of Bhagwan Parashuram by @ranjithr_r Here are ...
The dreadful game of dice took place at the special hall built for the purpose in Hastinapur. Draupadi had been staked and lost by Yudisthira. Dus...
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज। अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।। पाठकों आप सभी का स्वागत है। मैं आपका सूत्रधार अनुज आपके लिए ए...